A Perfect Fit: Giving That Never Misses a Step

Every step of the way, giving has been part of the journey

Kristi Palmer, Founding Herbert Simon Family Dean of University Library, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Master of Library Science, Luddy IUI, 2003

As an Indianapolis native, I grew up with a family who believed in giving. I was encouraged from an early age to ‘put something in the plate’ when you can. I watched mom volunteer her time, talent as well as treasure, and the seeds of giving were planted. Our family has a solid history here at IU Indianapolis with my parents and three siblings attending.

When it came time to choose where I would pursue my Master of Library and Information Science degree, The Luddy School at IUI defined that choice for me by offering a graduate assistant program that paid for my coursework as well as provided access to a paid position at the campus library.

When you have been fortunate enough to receive, it just seems natural to give.

I’ve always loved libraries and spent a great deal of time in public libraries growing up. My first job post-bachelor’s degree was at the Indiana Public Library in downtown Indianapolis. I then came to work for the IUI Library and have been here twenty-three years now. The IUI Library is exceptionally positioned to meet IUI’s new vision of being the top urban research university in the nation. In my years here, I have seen the campus change greatly. What was once a commuter campus now offers a rich and traditional college experience with the added benefit of a thriving cityscape as both cultural and experiential learning playground. Our community connectedness is especially important to me. I’ve been fortunate to chart the path of student to faculty member, to Center Director, and now as Founding Herbert Simon Family Dean of University Library at IUI, I am profoundly grateful for the support this endowed Chair ensures. Philanthropy has been such a positive part of both my personal and professional life.

Being invited to engage on the Luddy Alumni board has truly cemented my connection to the Luddy School and to Library Science. I believe in supporting that with my time as well as resources.

I give to the Luddy Step Up fund because I started as a student who received a scholarship and assistantship opportunities that made both my undergraduate and graduate higher education experiences possible. This support allowed me opportunities that I never would have had otherwise. For the students currently working in the library, I am acutely aware of how their every-day experiences are supported and enhanced by the opportunities that these gifts provide. They are of paramount importance; more than we can even imagine. I invite you to join me as we #LuddyStepUp.

We see tomorrow with your help today.

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